Hello my loves!
September means Fashion Week! I've only been attending Fashion Shows directly for my blog for 2 seasons (6 shows), but I've learned so much in the process. At this point, you should be registered for the shows you want to attend and should be getting your schedule in order for smooth sailing.... Here we go!
5 Tips to help you get through "Fashion Week" this season as a Blogger:
1. Register on Time:
Do your research and see what Fashion Shows you'd love to make it to. After you make your list, go to the website or contact the Coordinators directly to register your blog as PRESS. Not every Fashion Show may give you a pass, but it doesn't hurt to try. There are plenty of people registering for passes as well, and for this reason you want to register early to beat the crowd and also give the coordinator plenty of time to get back to you. Your blog will be reviewed to see if you are serious about what you do and if its worth it to them to give you a pass. Is your blog up to date? Do you blog quality work/photos? Do you get enough traffic to give them enough exposure? Even if you don't answer yes to all these questions but your serious about your blog and are working hard to get it where you want it to be, REGISTER!! You never know where you can get in if you don't put yourself out there.
My First Press Pass to Small Boutique Fashion Week, NYC |
2. Charge your Camera:
Now that you have an in, the last thing you want to happen is that your camera dies mid-show. If you are just starting off on covering shows, you may not have invested in a camera yet. That's ok. But if you choose to continue covering shows every season and want to take your blog to the next level, this may be something you want to invest in. You don't have to buy a top of the line camera, but invest in something semi professional that is going to help you capture great photos. I've even seen a lot of bloggers use their Ipads to shoot. Whatever works for you. I always bring an extra battery to help get through the long night. Better to be safe the sorry!
My Nikon P100 |
3. Bring your Business Cards:
When you start going to shows and events for your blog, you may want to get comfortable with networking. Meeting people, introducing yourself and your blog and exchanging business cards. If your shy, remind yourself that most of the people that came out are there for the same thing BUSINESS. And if you want your work to be known, you have to put yourself out there! Start by walking the vendor tables if there are any, introducing yourself to the designer, let them know what you do, snap a picture of them and there work and pass them a business card. You never know what relationship you may build. See someone in the crowd with a great outfit? Ask if you can snap their picture and then let them know where they can go to check it out (hint: hand them a business card). With time, networking will get easier if it doesn't already come natural to you.
Personal Business Cards |
4. Take Notes:
With everything going on around you, you want to take good notes so that you can go back home and put your amazing post together. Hopefully, you will be snapping lots of pictures and you want to mention the designers and all the people you've met. I personally right down a description of the first and last outfit of every line next to the designers name so that I know 'what is what' in a sea of photos later on. I also make little side notes of each line like; Do I like what I see? Whats the theme/inspiration? What type of fabrics were used? Does anything special stand out from this line/designer?
5. Pick out your outfit:
This is probably one of the first things you get together once you get a press pass confirmation being the fashionista that you are. Of course, you want to dress the part, you want to show off your personal style, and this is the place to do so. Remember, to always be yourself. You don't have to be too over the top or dress in something that you THINK is fashion show appropriate but will never wear again. Its not a part, so don't put on your highest of heels. Knowing in advance if you'll have a seat or if you'll be standing in the press section, may help you decide what shoes to wear. Usually, press stands the whole time in a crowded section with other photographers and huge equipment. So Yes, dress up but keep in mind that you want to be comfortable. I usually opt for wedges or boots, no stilettos.
My Looks from Previous Fashion Weeks! Top 3: Spring/Summer 2013 ~ Bottom 3: Fall/Winter 2013 |
My last piece of advice is to get there early. As press, you want to be able to get the best seat available or the best standing spot. Around you, will probably be bigger media companies with equipment a lot larger then yours. If you get there after them, you might get stuck behind them and miss out on some amazing shots. And on another note, remember photography curtesy. Be kind, you'll all be sharing a small space. Don't block someones else's view. Some how there is always away to set yourself up so everyone wins.
What tips can you share with fellow bloggers? Do you find these tips helpful? What Fashion Shows will you be covering this up coming season? Share & Comment on this post and Don't forget to Follow us!
Endless Inspiration